Conversion — Digital Marketing Funnel

Digital Marketing Funnel

Exhibit 28.10 Digital Marketing Funnel.

Conversion is the process of leading prospects through the digital marketing funnel, from attracting them with engaging content to converting them into paying customers. The different stages of the conversion process require marketers to use various tactics, resources, and processes, as outlined in Exhibit 28.10.

Attracting visitors is the first step in the conversion process, and marketers use different forms of advertising to generate traffic to their website, including search advertising, display advertising, social media advertising, and native advertising. Once visitors arrive on the website, marketers use compelling offers, such as gated offers, to convert them into leads.

The website serves as the conversion engine, where all these elements come together to propel prospects down the conversion path. Retargeting is another tactic used to pursue prospects who have already shown an interest and to nurture leads.

Lead nurturing is also an essential component of the conversion process. It involves building relationships with prospects by providing them with relevant and valuable content at each stage of the funnel. The goal is to keep leads engaged until they are ready to make a purchase. Different approaches to lead nurturing are covered in Section Lead Nurturing.

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